The Devil Comes Again

I realize now why I’ve been feeling so low as to date,

The devils come back with his spear and his hate.

He’s hanging around and making me sad, fuck me man he almost literally was making me go mad.

Some shit in my past had caught up with me,

But I paid the price so very generously.

But now I am flush with the universe.

My karma is paid. So why am I dealing with Satan these days? I feel like he don’t know that I ain’t the one ,

That one that he had since my last story begun.

So fuck off — you devil go on back to hell…. Because I’m going to live.

I got stories to tell.

Monarch (Glenda) Morey

Always called the livewire. Always lived by the seat of my pants…Until an incredible journey changed my entire life. Now I want to share my story with others.